佐藤 文隆氏【京都大学名誉教授】文化部門







【学  歴】
1960(昭和35)年3月 京都大学理学部物理学科卒業
1962(昭和37)年3月  京都大学大学院理学研究科修士課程修了
1964(昭和39)年6月 京都大学大学院理学研究科博士課程退学


【経  歴】
1964(昭和39)年  7月 京都大学理学部助手
1970(昭和45)年  4月 京都大学理学部講師
1971(昭和46)年11月 京都大学基礎物理学研究所助教授
1973(昭和48)年  9月 University of California(Berkley)客員教授(~1974年8月)
1974(昭和49)年  4月 京都大学基礎物理学研究所教授
1976(昭和51)年  4月 京都大学基礎物理学研究所長(~1980年3月)
1985(昭和60)年10月 京都大学理学部教授
1993(平成  5)年  4月 京都大学理学部長(~1995年3月)
1996(平成  8)年  4月 京都大学大学院理学研究科教授(改組)
2000(平成12)年  4月 日本学術会議会員(~2003年3月)
2001(平成13)年  3月 京都大学退官・京都大学名誉教授
2001(平成13)年  4月 甲南大学理工学部教授(~2006年3月)
2006(平成18)年  3月  甲南大学特別客員教授(~2014年3月)


MG国際諮問委員、GRG(一般相対論重力国際学会)委員、IUPAP(国際純粋応用物理学連合)宇宙物理専門委員会委員・議長・執行委員、Progress of Theoretical Physics 編集委員・委員長・Advisory 、Publication of Astronomical Society of Japan ,Advisory、Int.Journal Modern Physics A,D, 編集委員、Modern Physics LettersA, 編集委員、Nouvo Cimento B, Advisory

1973年 仁科記念賞
1975年 松永賞
1983年 朝日学術奨励金
1985年 First Award for Essay on Gravitation、Gravity Research Foundation
1999年 紫綬褒章
2001年 西宮市教育功労者
2001年 科学技術振興財団感謝状
2007年 京都新聞大賞 文化学術部門
2013年 瑞宝中綬章
2013年 坂田・早川記念賞 第12回レクチャー
2017年 第36回 京都府文化賞特別功労賞
2020年 白鷹町功労表彰
2021年 京都市文化功労者表彰


1)Thermodynamical Consideration on the Spectrum of Cosmic Rays Progress of Theoretical Physics 28(1962), 213-214
2)Cosmic Ray Energy Spectrum and High Energy Particle in Supernova Prog. Theor.Phys. 30(1963), 804-815
3)Cosmic Ray Energy Spectrum and High Energy Particle in Supernova in “Proceedings of International Conference on Cosmic Rays: 1963, Vol III”, 360-363
4)Acceleration Mechanism of Cosmic Rays Prog. Theor. Phys. Supplement, No 30(1964), 86-133  S. Hayakawa, J. Nishimura, H. Obayashi and H. Sato
5)General Relativistic Instability of the Supermassive Stars Prog. Theor. Phys. 35(1966), 241-260
6)Central Temperature and Density of Star in Gravitational Equilibrium Prog. Theor. Phys. 36(1966), 504-514  K. Takarada, H. Sato and C. Hayashi
7)The Local Condensation in the Universe  and  Spatial homogeneity of Cosmic Black-Body Radiation Prog. Theor.Phys. 37(1967), 1032-1033
8)Formation of Li, Be, B in the Expanding Hot Universe Prog. Theor.Phys. 38(1967), 1083-1094
9)Observable Horizons in the Expanding Universe Prog. Theor. Phys. 40(1968), 781-795
10)Formation of H2 in and Galaxies in the Hot Universe Prog. Theor. Phys. 41(1969), 840-841 H. Takeda, T. Matsuda and H. Sato
11)Hydrodynamical Behaviour of Gas Sphere with Masses of 10 4 M o to 10 20 M o Prog. Theor. Phys, 41(1969), 1021-1040  T. Matsuda and H. Sato
12)Cooling of Pre-galactic Gas Cloud by Hydrogen Molecule Prog. Theor. Phys. 42(1969), 219-233  T. Matsuda, H. Takeda and H. Sato
13)Galaxy  Formation and the Primordial Turbulence in the Expanding Hot Universe Prog. Theor. Phys. 43(1970), 1115-1117
14)On the Dissipation of Primordial Turbulence in the Expanding Universe Prog. Theor. Phys. 43(1970), 1511-1525
15)Mass of Galaxy and Dissipative Process in the Hot Universe Prog. Theor. Phys. 45(1971), 370-385
16)Pre-galactic Magnetic Field and Cosmic Ray in the Expanding Universe Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 23(1971),1-5  T. Matsuda, H. Takeda and H.  Sato
17)Dissipation of Primordial Turbulence and Thermal History of the Universe Prog. Theor. Phys. 46(1971), 416-432
18)Statistical Mechanics of Resonance State Prog. Theor. Phys. 47(1972), 819-831 A.Tomimastu and H.Sato
19)General Review and Summary  – Astrophysical Cosmology – Prog. Theor. Phys. Supplement No 49(1971), 1-10  K. Aizu, S. Hayakawa, H. Sato and M. Taketani
20)Evolution of the Expanding Universe Prog. Theor. Phys. Supplement No 49(1971), 11-80 H.Sato, T.Matsuda and H. Takeda
21)Hot Universe,  Cosmic  Rays of  Ultrahigh Energy and Absolute Reference Prog. Theor. Phys. 47(1972), 1788-1789  H. Sato and T. Tati
22)New Exact Solution for the Gravitational Field of  Spinning Mass Phys. Rev. Letters 29(1972), 1344-1345  A. Tomimatsu and H. Sato
23)Time Variation of Metal Abundances in Galaxies Prog. Thero. Phys. 48(1972),1885-1898 S. Ikeuchi, T. Sato, H. Takeda and H. Sato
24)Gravitational Field of Slowly Rotating Deformed Masses Prog. Theor. Phys. 49(1973), 790-799  H. Sato and A. Tomimatsu
25)New Series of Exact Solution for Gravitational Field of Spinnig Masses Prog. Theor. Phys. 50(1973), 95-110  A.Tomimatsu and H. Sato
26)Event Horizon of the Tomimatsu-Sato Metrics Lett. Nuovo Cimento 8(1973), 740-742 A. Tomimatsu and H. Sato
27)The Sound Generated by Cosmic Turbulence and the Origin of Galaxies Prog. Theor. Phys. 49(1973), 1770-1772
28)New  Solution of Einstein Equation Representing Rotational Masses in “Proceeding of IAU Symposium No.64(I973)” ed. by DeWitt(Reidel,1974), 191
29)Slowly Braked, Rotating Neutron Stars Astrophys. J. 195(1975), 743-749
30)Primordial Higgs Masses and Cosmic Background Radiation Prog. Theor. Phys. 54(1975), 912-913  K. Sato and H. Sato
31)Higgs Meson Emission from a Star and Constraints on its mass Prog. Theor. Phys. 54(1975), 1564-1565  K. Sato and H. Sato
32)Absorption of Massive Scalar Field by a Charged Black Hole Physics Letters 61B(1976), 371-374  T. Nakamura and H. Sato
33)Metric Solutions of Spinning Masses in” Proc First Marcel Grossmann Meeting of General Relativity(1975)”, ed by R. Ruffini(North-Holl,1977), 227-228  A. Tomimatsu and H. Sato
34)Stability of Vacuum in the Curved Space-time of Relativistic Star Prog. Theor. Phys. 57(1977), 341-343
35)Part I: Instability of Quantum Field in the Curved Space-Time of Rotating star Part II: Massive Neutrino and Big Bang Universe in “Proc Int  School of General Relativity (E.Majorana Center)” ed. by R.Ruffini,J.Ehlers and F.Everitt, Max Planck MPI-PAE/Astro138(1977), 92-103
36)Pulsar Covered with dense Envelope a High-Energy Neutrino Source Prog. Theor. Phys. 57(1977), 549-559
37)Gravitational Field of Spinning Masses- Kerr metric and Tomimatsu-Sato metric -in “Proc Enrico Fermi Summer School(1975)” ed. by R. Giacconi and R. Ruffini(North Holland,1978), 624-634
38)Instability of Quantum Field in the Curved Space-Time of Rotating Star Prog. Theor. Phys. 59(1978), 1173-1187  K. Maeda and H. Sato
39)Conversion of Gravitational Wave into Electromagnetic Wave by a Moving Charge Prog. Theor. Phys. 60(1978), 148-157  M. Sasaki and H. Sato
40)Gravitational Collapse and Exact Solution of Einstein’s Equations in “Relativity, Quantum and Cosmology, ed. by M.Pantales and F.de Finis, (Jhonson Reprint Corp. and Giunti Barbara, 1979), 659-679
41)Big-Bang Cosmology in the Planck Units in “Proc. of the Workshop(1978):The Unified Theory and the Baryon Number in the Universe”,KEK-79-18, 38-42
42)Energy Spectrum of High Energy Neutrinos and Cosmic Rays from Pulsars Prog. Theor. Phys. 62(1979), 966-980  T. Hara and H. Sato
43) The Early Stage of the Universe Big bang cosmology and Particle Physics in “Il Problem del Cosmos” ed. by G.T. de Francia(Enciclopedia Italiana, 1982), 281-300
44)Metric Solution of a Spinning Mass Kerr-Tomimatsu -Sato  class solution in “Proc  of the Second Marcel Grossmann Meetings(1979)”ed. by R.Ruffini(North Holland, 1982), 353-370
45)Decay of Fluctuations in the Early Universe and High Energy Particle Interaction   Prog.Theor. Phys. 63(1980), 1971-1983.
46)Scattering of the Cosmic Neutrinos by High Energy Cosmic Rays Prog.Theor.Phys. 64(1980), 1089-1092  T. Hara and H. Sato
47)Clustering of the Relic Neutrinos in the Expanding Universe Prog.Theor.Phys. 64(1980), 2029-2040  H. Sato and F. Takahara
48)Horizon of the Universe and the Broken-Symmeriy Theory of Gravity -the shortest time Prog. Theor. Phys. 64(1980), 1498-1499
49)Elastic and Inelastic Scattering of the Relic Neutrino by High Energy Cosmic Rays Prog. Theor. Phys. 65(1981), 477-488  T. Hara and H. Sato
50)Clustering of the Relic Neutrinos and the Velocity Dispersion in a Cluster of Galaxies Prog. Theor. Phys. 65(1981), 374-377
51)The Early Universe and Clustering of Relic Neutrinos in “Proc  10th Texas Symposium”  ed.by R.Ramat and C. Jones(N.Y. Academy Press 1981), 43-53
52)Structure of Superposed Two Kerr Metric Prog. Theor. Phys. 65(1981), 1891-1900 K. Oohara and H. Sato
53)Formation of Galaxies and Cluster of Galaxies in the Neutrino Dominated Universe Prog.Theor.Phys. 66(1981), 508-525  H. Sato and  F.Takahara
54)General Relativistic Collapse of Rotating Supermassive Star Prog.Theor. Phys. 66(1981), 2038-2051  T. Nakamura and H. Sato
55)General Relativistic Collapse of Rotating Stars Physics Letters 86A(1981), 318-320 T. Nakamura and H. Sato
56)Editors, Preface “Evolution of the Universe,Star and Solar System In Commemoration of the Sixtiett Birthday of Chushiro Hayashi”,Prog. Theor. Phys. Supllement No 70(1981),1-1 R. Hoshi, T. Nakano, H. Sato and D. Sugimoto
57)Multi-soliton Solution of the Einstein Equation and Tomimatsu-Sato Metric. Prog.Theor. Phys. Supplement no 70(1981), 215-237  H. Sato and A.Tomimatsu
58)General Relativistic Collapse of Non-Rotating Axisymmetric Stars Prog. Theor. Phys. 67(1982),1396-1405  T. Nakamura and H. Sato
59)The Gravitational “Scintillation” of the Microwave Background due to Density Inhomogeneities Prog. Theor. Phys. 67(1982), 1994-1996  Fang Li Zhi and H. Sato
60)Enlargement of a Void in the Expanding Universe Prog. Theor. Phys. 68(1982), 236-245
61)Void in the Closed Universe Prog. Theor. Phys. 69(1983), 89-99 K. Maeda, M. Sasaki and H. Sato
62)Cluster and Void in the Expanding Universe in “Proc. 3rd Marcel Grossmann Meeting (August 1982)”ed. by Hu Ning (North Holland 1984) 405-414
63)Structure of the Two Kerr-Solution in “Proc. 3rd Marcel Grossmann Meeting(August 1982)”ed. by Hu Ning (North Holland 1984),1049-1059  Kihara, Oohara, Sato and Tomimatsu
64)Periodicity in the Distribution of Quasar Redshift and Evidence of Multiple Connected Universe Commun. in Theoretical Physics(Beijin), 2(1983), 1055-105 Fang Li Zhi and H. Sato
65)The Expansion Law of the Void in the Expanding Universe Prog. Theor. Phys. 70(1983), 119-127  H. Sato and K. Maeda
66)Expansion of a Thin Shell around a Void in Expanding Universe Prog. Theor. Phys. 70(1983), 772-782
67)Nonlinear Density Fluctuation in Expanding Universe in “Proc. Workshop on GUT and Early Universe(1983)” KEK 83-13,  97-108
68)Expansion of a Thin Shell around a Void in Expanding Universe II Prog. Theor. Phys. 70(1983), 1276-1282  K. Maeda and H. Sato
69)The Infrared Background Generated by Pregalactic Star and their Remnants Advances in Space Research  3(1983), 473-476  B. J. Carr, J. McDowell and H. Sato
70)Can Pregalactic Stars and Black Holes Generated the Infrared Background? Nature 306(1983), 666-669  B. J. Carr, J. McDowell and H. Sato
71)Multiple Kerr Metric Solutions of Einstein’s Field Equation in “Proc. 1st Asia-Pacific Phys. Conf. (1983)” ed. by A. Arima et al(World Scientific 1984), 27-41
72)Void in the Expanding Universe in “Proc.  10th Gen.  Rel. Grav. Conf. (1983) ed. by B.Bertott et al(Reidel, 1984), 289-312
73)Expansion of Voids in a Matter-Dominated Universe Prog. Theor. Phys. 71(1984), 938-954 Y. Suto, K. Sato and H. Sato
74)Dynamics of Higher Dimensional Universe Models Prog. Theor. Phys. 72(1984), 98-105
75)Scinario of Galaxy Formation in “Proc. Workshop on Particle Physics and Astrophysics” KEK 84-12, 275-277
76)Universe and Birth of Time “Proc. Japan-Germany Sympo. on Zeit(1983)” RIFP-562(1983), 11-15
77)Nonlinear Evolution of Negative Density Perturbation in Radiation dominated Universe Prog. Theor.Phys. 72(1984), 1137-1145  Y. Suto, K. Sato and H. Sato
78)Reminiscence of 1960′s and Early 1970′s in “Gravitation and Universe”  Commemoration of 60th Birthday of Prof. H. Nariai「 ed. by T. Kimura et al (RITP-Takehara Dec.1984), 7-12
79)Modification of Redshift and Luminosity by Void in the Expanding Universe Prog. Theor. Phys. 73(1985), 649-656
80)Periodicity in the Distribution of Quasar Redshifts are an Evidence of Multiply Connected Universe? Gen. Rel. Grav. 17(1985), 1117-1120  Fang Li Zhi and H. Sato
81)From Quantum Creation to Galaxy Formation in “Progress in Quantum Field Theory”ed. by Ezawa and Kamefuchi (North Holland ,1986), 391-416.
82)Cosmic Strings and Rotation Velocity of Spiral Galaxies Mod. Phys. Lett. A1(1986), 9-13
83)Galaxy Formation by Cosmic Strings Prog. Theor. Phys. 75(1986), 1342-1350.
84)Motion of Shell at Metric Junction. Prog. Theor. Phys. 76(1986), 1250-1259.
85)Gravity, Source of Energy and Entropy, in “Particles and  Nuclei” ed. by H. Terasawa (World Scientific 1986), 263-268
86)Galaxy formation, Strings and Fractals in “Proc. of Workshop of Phase transition in the Universe(Nov. 1985)”, ed. by K. Sato et al(1986), 107-111
87)Book Review “Solutions of Einstein’s Equation:  Technique and Results ed. by C.Hoenselaers and W.Dietz, Springer, 1984″ Gen. Rel. Grav. 18(1986),  215-216
88)Editors, Preface “Quantum Gravity and Cosmology: 8th Kyoto Summer Institute 1985″ ed. by H. Sato and T. Inami(World Scientific,1986), 1-2
89)Editors, Preface, Opening Address “Gravitational Collapse and Relativity”  Proc. Yamada Conf.XI  April 1986, ed.by  H. Sato and T. Nakamura(World Scientific 1986) 1-3
90)Irreversibility of the Cosmic Expansion.1986 Inter. J. Modern Phys. 2(1987), 133-163. G. Marx and H. Sato
91)Ultra High Energy gamma-flux from Supernova 1987a.Modern Phys. Lett. 2(1987),801-804.
92)Time Variation of Ultra High Energy gamma-rays from SN1987a.Prog. Theor. Phys. 78(1987), 1065-1080  T. Nakamura, Y. Yamada and H. Sato
93)Galaxy Formation by Cosmic Strings and Cooling of Baryonic matter. Prog. Theor. Phys. 78(1987), 1219-1224  M. Izawa and H. Sato
94)Supernova in Large Magellanic Cloud. Asia-Pacific Physics News, 2(1987), 3-5
95)Energy Spectrum of Ultra High Energy gamma-ray from Supernova Prog. Theor. Phys. 79(1988), 416-428  Y. Yamada, T. Nakamura, K. Kasahara and H. Sato
96)On the Degree of Generality of Inflation in Friedmann Cosmological Models with Massive Scalar Field. Prog. Theor. Phys. 79(1988), 676-684 V. Belinsky, H. Ishihara, I. M. Khalatnikov and H. Sato
97)Contribution to the Discussion in “Large Scale Structure of the Universe”  Proc.  of the 130th Symposium of IAU, (Jun 1987) ed.by J. Audouze, M. Pelleta and A. Szalay (Kluwer Academic Press,1988), 490-491
98)Search for Gamma  Rays from Supernova 1987A Energies Greater than 100Tev Phys. Rev. Lett. 60(1988), 1110-1113 I.A.Bond et al(JANZOS-group)
99)Pulsar Nebula and Supernova 1987A Prog. Theor. Phys. 80(1988), 96-107
100)High Energy Gamma-rays and Pulsar in SN1987A in “Big Bang,Active Galactic Nuclei and Supernovae” Proc.  20th Yamada Conf.  March 1988″ ed.  by S. Hayakawa and K. Sato(Universal Academic Press 1989), 531-543
101)Search for TeV gamma rays from  SN1987A during December 1987 and January 1988 Phys. Rev. Lett. 61(1988), 2292-2295 I. Bond et al(JANZOS-group)
102)High Energy Gamma-Rays and Neutrinos from SN 1987A in “Proc. of Fifth Marcel Grossmann Meeting (August 1988)”ed. by D. Blair et al(World Scientific,1989)  part A, 205-216
103)Lattice-Cell Universe Model: A Non-Friedmann Model in “Proc. of Friedmann Centenary Conference (June 1988)” ed. by M. A. Markov , V. Berezin  and V. Mukhanov(World Scientific, 1990), 139-146
104)Hayashi’s Contribution to Big Bang Nucleosynthesis contribution to “History of Modern Cosmology(Bologna, March 1988) , 1-3
105)Cosmic Rays and Cosmology in “Cosmic Ray Astrophysics”, ed. by M. Oda, J. Nishimura and K. Sakurai(Terra Scientific Publ. Co., 1988), 413-449.
106)Concluding Remark: Yukawa and Dark Matter in “Dark matter in the Universe: Proc.of the 3rd Nishinomiya-Yukawa Sympo.(Nov. 1988)”, ed. by H. Sato and H. Kodama ( Springer,1990), 135-136
107)Editors, Preface,  “Dark  Matter  in  the  Universe” (Springer Verlag, 1990), 1-1
108)Supernova and Cosmic Rays resume of talk at the Royal Society Science Centre Wellington, New Zealand: March, 1989, 1-2
109)Acceleration of Cosmic Rays by the Collision of Supernova Ejecta with the Circumstellar Matter Cloud Prog. Theor. Phys. 82(1989), 315-321  M. Honda, H. Sato and T. Terasawa
110)Upper Limit for Ultra High Energy Gamma Rays From SN1987A obtained by Cerenkov Technique at Large Zenith Angles Astrophys. J. Letters, 344(1989), L17-19 I. Bond et al(JANZOS group)
111)Upper limit for Ultra-high-energy gamma rays from  SN1987A obtained by Cerenkov technique at large zenith angles Proc. 21th ICRC at Adelaide,Vol 2(1990), 198-201  I. Bond et al(JANZOS group)
112)Search for Ultra High Energy Gamma Rays  from SN1987A and Other Sources Proc. 21th ICRC at Adelaide, Vol 2(1990), 210-213  I. Bond et al(JANZOS group)
113)Search for TeV Gamma Rays from CEN A and VELA X-1 Proc. 21th ICRC at Adelaide Vol 2(1991), 271-274  I. Bond et al(JANZOS group)
114)Quantum Bounce of a Uniform Dust Star in Newtonian Gravity Mod.Phys.Letters 6(1991),855-859  H. Ishihara, H. Morita and H. Sato
115)Preface to Search for High Energy Gamma Rays from SN 1987A  ANZOS Report,(ICRR, 1990), 1-2
116)Summary:Image of the Underground Physics Experiment in “Proc. Sympo. Underground Physics Experiments (April 25,1990)”(ICRR,1990), ed. by  K. Nakamura, 205-211
117)Relic Particles from the Primeval Fire-Ball in “Neutrinos in Cosmic Ray Physics and Astrophysics” (Fetshrift of S.Miyake)ed. by K.Sakurai(Tera Scientific Pub.,1990), 125-169
118)Light Curve of SN1987A and the Pulsar Cavity Model Prog Theor Phys 85(1991), 541-546 H. Sato and Y. Yamada
119)Phenomenological Dark Matter Detection Rate:from WIMP to SIMP”Primordial  Nucleosynthesis and Evolution of the Early Universe(1990)”ed. by K.Sato and J. Audouzez (Kluwer Academic Pub.,1991), 381-385.
120)  Pulsar Cavity Proc. US-Japan Joint Seminar of The Structure and Evolution of Neutron Stars(1990) ed.by D. Pines, R. Tamagaki and S. Tsuruta(Addison-Wesley Publ.Co., 1992) 284-289.
121)Cosmological Aspects of Cosmic Rays Proc. Symposium of Astrophysical Aspect of the Most Energetic Cosmic Rays(1990), ed.by M. Nagano and F. Takahara(World Scientific, 1991),400-405.
122)Survey of UHE Gamma Ray Emission in the Magellanic Clouds Astrophys. J.,403(1993), 239-248. W. H. Allen et al(JANZOS group)
123)Motion of a Dust Shell in the Space-Time with Cosmological Constant Prog. Theor. Phys.88(1992),1097-1105.  Y. Yamanaka, K. Nakao and H. Sato
124)Possible Observation of 100Tev gamma rays from the active galaxy Centaurus A Astroparticle Physics,1(1993) ,269-276. ,W.H.Allen et al( JANZOS)
125)Expanding Shell around Void and Universe Model Prog. Theor. Phys. 89 (1993), no. 6, 1193-1201. N.Sakai, K. Maeda and H.Sato
126)Search for Point Sources of Ultrahigh energy gamma rays in the Southern Hemisphere Phys. Rev.D48(1993), 466-478. W. H. Allen et al( JANZOS)
127)Editors,Preface, Opening Address Proc. Sixth Marcel Grossmann Meeting of General relativity ed.H.Sato and T.Nakamura, World Scientific, 1992
128)Upper Limit of Tev Gamma-Ray Emission From Centaurus  A Vela X-1,Centaurus X-3 and Circinus X-1  Astrophys.J.405(1993), 554-558. W. H. Allen et al(JANZOS)
129)Performance Characteristic of the JANZOS Air Shower Array Proc. 23-rd ICRC (Calgary),1(1993), 227-230.W. H. Allen et al(JANZOS)
130)Recent Results from the JANZOS Air Shower Array Proc. 23-rd ICRC  1(1993), 349-352.W. H. Allen et al(JANZOS)
131)Observation of the Active Galaxy Centaurus A at Ultra-high energies Proc. 23-rd ICRC 1(1993), 420-423.W. H. Allen et al(JANZOS)
132)Blast Wave Shell Expansion in Flat Universe Model Prog. Theor. Phys. 90(1993), 841-850.
133)Stromgren Shpere in the the Expanding Universe and a possible Seed of Structure Formation Prog. Theor. Phys. 92(1994), 37-46
134)Hideki Yukawa and Astrophysics Relativistic Cosmology(Proc. 8-th Nishinomiya-Yukawa Sympo.), ed by M. Sasaki, Universal Academic Press(1994), 1-2.
135)Physics of Extremly High Energy Cosmic Rays: Concluding Remarks in “Proceedings of International Symposium on Extremely High Energy Cosmic Rays: Astrophysics and Future Observatories “  ed. by M. Nagano (ICRR, 1997),  357-361.
136)Cosmological Baryon Sound Wave Coupled with the Primeval Radiation Phys. Rev D56(1997), 7566-7577  K. Yamamoto, N. Sugiyama and H. Sato
137)Evolution of Small Scale Cosmological Baryon Perturbations and Matter Transfer Functions Astrophysical J.501(1998), 441-460  K. Yamamoto, N. Sugiyama and H.  Sato
138)MACHO Alert 95-30:First Real-Time Observation of Extended Source Effects in Gravitational Micro Lensing Astrophysical Journal, 491(1997), 436-450 C. Allcock, et al(MACHO,MOA and GMAN Collaboration)
139)Observation of the Halo of the Edge-on Galaxy IC5249 Astophysical Journal,118(1999), 261-272  F. Abe et al(MOA group)
140)Global Microlensing Alert System Bull.American Astron, Soc., 191, 8305-8319, 1997.             C. Allcock, et al(MACHO,MOA and GMAN Collaboration)
141)Why not Cosmological Cosmic Rays? (Proc. Buford Price Conf.(Berkley)), New Astronomy Review( Elsevier),Vol 42(1998), 287-288
142)Extremely High Energy Cosmic-rays and Relativity Principle in“Black Holes and High Energy Astrophysics (Proc XLIX-Yamada Conf.,1998),  ed. by H. Sato and N. Sugiyama, (Universal Academic Press,1998) 401-409
143)Preface, Opening Address in “Black Holes and High Energy Astrophysics (Proc XLIX -Yamada Conf., 1998)”, (Universal Academic Press,1998), 5,7-8
144)Extremely High Energy Cosmic Rays and Violation of Lorentz Invariance in “Space Factory on International Space Station”(Universal Academy Press, 2000) ed. by T. Ebisuzaki, Y.Takahashi and T.Handa, 131-136(astro-ph/0005218)
145)Opening Remark in   Space Factory on International Space Station (Universal Academy Press, 2000),ed. by T. Ebisuzaki, Y.Takahashi and T.Handa, 1-3
146) Wide-Field Camera for Gravitational Microlensing Survey:MOA-CAM2 Experimental Astronomy 10(2000), 519-535pp ,T Yanagisawa, et al(MOA group)
147)Astrophysics in the New Millennium In”PHYSICS 2000 as it Enter a New Millennium”( IUPAP-36,2000), ed. By P Black,G Drake and L Jossem, 117-122(www.iupap.org/ )
148)Violation of Lorentz invarinace and Absolute frame of the Expanding  Universe Journal of Physical Society of Japan, Vol 70(2001),SupplementB,64-67
149)Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays and Absolute Reference Frame defined by External Field, Proceeding of 3rd Workshop on Quantum Aspect of Beam Physics、ed. by P.Chen and Kevin Reil, World Scientific, 2004, pp329-338,astro-ph0304100
150)Invisible Un-removable Field: A Search by Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays, Journal of Physical Society of Japan, Vol 77(2008), Supplements(Proc. VHEPA-3(2003), ed. Sasaki and Sugiyama), pp 23-26. astro-ph0311306
151)How to Violate Lorentz Invariance,Prog. Theor. Phys., Supplement No 163(2006), 163-173
152)Black Holes: Quantum、Gravity  and Information, Prog. Theor. Physics, Supplement  170(2007), pp91-99
153)Biography of Hideki Yukawa Nuclear Physics A,Vol 805,Issues1-4,1 June 2008,(INPC 2007 – Proceedings of the 23rd International Nuclear Physics Conference, ed, by S. Nagamiya et al,pp. 21c-28c
154)Entropy of the Universe CP1238,Tours Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics -VII(2010), ed. By H. Susa et al,, AIP Physics, pp3-8.
155)Biography of Professor Hayashi Proceedings of First Star IV Symposium(2012), ed.by Oomukai et al, AIP
156)Memory of Fang LiZhi 方励之紀年文集(科学巻)160-164p,2014、明鏡出版社(香港)

【学術論文(英文)】 約150

『宇宙物理学』(湯川編 林他と共著)
『岩波 理化学辞典 第五版』(長倉、井口、江沢、岩村、佐藤、久保編)(岩波書店)
『宇宙物理学』(原 哲也共著、朝倉書店)
『林忠四郎の全仕事:宇宙の物理学』(編集 京大学術出版会)。

・『天才科学者の実験室』(絵本4巻 くさばよしみ・たなべ共著)(汐文社)
・『アインシュタインの反乱と量子コンピュータ』、『新編 素粒子の世界を拓く-湯川朝永から南部・小林・益川へ 編著』(京大学術出版会)

業  績 






 1973年のソルベー会議に招待されることで多くの著名な物理学者の知己を得ることになり、Chandrasekhar, Lifshitz, Penrose, Hawking, Ruffini, Rees, Thorneなどを日本に招聘することで若手の国際交流が広がる機会をつくった。Grossmann会議の常任顧問として一般相対論の活性化に尽力した。


