






【学  歴】
1975年  4月 京都大学薬学部入学
1979年  3月 京都大学薬学部製薬化学科卒業
1979年  4月 京都大学大学院薬学研究科修士課程製薬化学専攻入学
1981年  3月 京都大学大学院薬学研究科修士課程製薬化学専攻修了
1981年  4月 京都大学大学院薬学研究科博士課程製薬化学専攻進学
1984年  3月 京都大学大学院薬学研究科博士課程製薬化学専攻修了


【経  歴】
1984年  4月 岐阜薬科大学助手
1988年  4月 岐阜薬科大学講師
1989年  6月 アルバータ大学薬学部客員研究員(~1990年7月)
1991年  4月 岐阜薬科大学助教授
2005年  4月 岐阜薬科大学教授
2008年  4月 岐阜薬科大学製造薬学科長兼任(~2011年3月)
2010年  4月 岐阜薬科大学大学院薬学研究科長(~2012年3月)
2012年  4月 岐阜薬科大学学生部長(~2014年3月)
2014年  4月 岐阜薬科大学副学長(~2015年3月)
2016年  4月 岐阜薬科大学岐阜健康長寿創薬機構長(~2019年3月)
2019年  3月   岐阜薬科大学定年退職
2019年  4月   岐阜薬科大学名誉教授、岐阜薬科大学特任・特命教授(~現在)

2013年 医薬品医療機器総合機構(PMDA)製剤委員会吸入剤ワーキングG座長(~2021年)
2015年 新製剤とエンジニアリング振興財団専務理事(~現在)
2016年 ホソカワ学術振興財団理事(~現在)
2017年 日本学術振興会科学研究費委員会専門委員((~現在)
2020年 JST書面審査委員(~現在)

2004年~ 粉体に関する討論会世話人
2005年~ 粉体工学会製剤と粒子設計部会長、物性物理化学研究会世話人、本DDS学会評議員
2006年~ Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences編集委員日本代表
2008年~ 粉末吸入剤研究会世話人(2011-18: 代表世話人)
2011年~ 製剤機械技術学会理事
2013年~ 京都成形技術研究会会長
2016年~ 日本粉体工業技術協会粒子加工分科会コーディネータ、日本薬剤学会理事、年会長、学会長、セミナー顧問
2017年~  連続生産の実現と推進を考える会会長
2021年~ 新製剤とエンジニアリングを考える会会長

1994年 日本薬剤学会 旭化成製剤学奨励賞
1996年 IP学術奨励賞(粉体工学情報センター)
2003年 日本薬学会 学術振興賞
2008年 DDS学会 永井賞受賞
2013年 ホソカワ粉体工学振興財団 KONA賞
2014年 Award for Breakthrough Technology in Drug Delivery System in Asia
2018年 製剤の達人(日本薬剤学会)授与
2019年 岐阜新聞大賞(学術賞)
2022年 日本粉体工業技術協会第36回技術賞(APPIE, Japan)
2023年 日本薬剤学会 学会賞(The Award of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Japan)


・H.Takeuchi, Y.Kawashim: Aqueous-Based Coatings and Microparticles in Matrix Tablet Formulations, Aqueous Polymeric Coatings for Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms, Second Ed., ed. by J. McGinity, pp.549-569,Marcel Dekker, 1997.
・3.2(4), 3.3『粉体の圧縮成形技術』日刊工業新聞社 1998
・4-3『噴霧乾燥、粒子設計工学』(粉体工学会編)産業図書 pp.115-127 1999
・『粉体工学用語辞典(第2版)』(粉体工学会編)日刊工業 2000
・『すぐに役立つ 粒子設計・加工技術』(編)じほう 2003
(共著:竹内洋文、川島嘉明、監修:永井恒司)シーエムシー出版 pp.285-301 2004
・『粉体工学叢書第1巻:粉体の基礎物性』(粉体工学会編)pp.117-128 日刊工業新聞社 2005
・『DDSナノ粒子設計“DDS用ナノ粒子ナノパーティクルテクノロジーハンドブック”』日刊工業新聞社pp.98-1 02 2006
・Y. Fukumori, K. Takada, H. Takeuchi: Nanoporous and Nanosize Materials for Drug Delivery Systems” Nannomaterials for Medical Diagnosis and Therapy”, ed. by C. Kumar, WILEY-VCH, pp.255-309, 2007.
・『吸入薬剤のPharmaco Kinetics, Pharmaco Dynamics,』(共著:竹内洋文、風間和夫、山本浩充、川島嘉明)ライフサイエンス出版 pp.13-21, 2007
・『ヒトに優しい固形製剤設計「医薬品製剤化方略と新技術」』(監修)シーエムシー出版, 2007
・Hirofumi Takeuchi: Nanoparticle design for DDS in “Nanoparticle Technology Handbook” Elsevier, pp.105-109, 2007
・『粉体工学叢書第5巻:粉体粒子の組織制御による機能付与』(粉体工学会編)pp.77-91, 92-100, 199-209 日刊工業新聞社 2008
・M. Werle, H. Takeuchi: Strategies to overcome the enzymatic barrier in “Oral Delivery of Macromolecular Drugs”, Springer, pp. 65-84, 2009
・P. Sriamornsak, J. Thongborisute, H. Takeuchi:  Liposome-based Mucoadhesive Formulations for Oral Delivery of Macromolecules in “Oral Delivery of Macromolecular Drugs”, pp.169-194, Springer, 2009
・H. Takeuchi, Y.Hoashi, Y. Kawasshima, Particle design based on aqueous coating for controlled release, in Aqueous-Based Coatings and Microparticles in Matrix Tablet Formulations, Aqueous Polymeric Coatings for Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms, 3rd Ed., ed. by J. McGinity, 2009
・『インフルエンザに立ち向かう「究極のエネルギーと環境調和」』:日刊工業新聞社 pp196-199  2010
・『医薬品の成形技術「初歩から学ぶ粉体技術」』工業調査会 pp.149-154 2010
(分担執筆)「遺伝子医学MOOK別冊 ペプチド・タンパク性医薬品の新規DDS製剤の開発と応用」メディカルドゥ pp.124-133 2011
・『第3章 1-④アカデミアにおける研究展開 その2』(分担執筆)「すべてがわかる 口腔内崩壊錠ハンドブック」じほう pp.74-76 , 2012
・『第4章 3-⑬崩壊性評価技術(分担執筆:竹内淑子、竹内洋文)「すべてがわかる 口腔内崩壊錠ハンドブック」じほう pp.220-223  2012
・『日本薬局方の改正、製剤技術の動向、処理杵による打錠障害の回避』「医薬品製剤化方略と新技術Ⅱ」(監修)シーエムシー出版 pp.7-12 2013
・『薬剤学実験法マニュアル』「2.6粒子径測定2.7比表面積測定」南江堂 2014
・『「粉体工学ハンドブック」溶解現象、造粒』(粉体工学会編)朝倉書店 2014
・『口腔内崩壊錠の設計と進化』「口腔内崩壊錠ハンドブック-添加剤編-」PLCM研究会編 pp.16-20 じほう 2015
・『固形製剤とバイオ原薬の連続生産』(監修)シーエムシー出版 2019
・H.Takeuchi: Chapter 2.15 Solubility and dissolution rate in “Powder Technology Handbook 4th ed.”, CRC press, pp.171-178 , 2020
・小児製剤のための製剤学「子どものくすり便利帳」(分担執筆:竹内淑子、竹内洋文、編修:小島純、米子真記)南山堂 pp5-12, 2022
・『口腔内崩壊錠、フィルムの吸水及び崩壊挙動に関する研究「医薬品添加剤における開発及び製剤設計・評価の新展開」』(分担執筆:竹内洋文、竹内淑子、監修:寺田勝英) シーエムシー出版pp. 234-247, 2022
・『固形製剤の連続生産』(分担執筆)(標準処方研究企画委員会編)PHARM TECH JAPAN臨時増刊 じほう 2022

・Takeuchi H, Handa T, Kawashima Y. Spherical Solid Dispersion Containing Amorphous Tolbutamide Embedded in Enteric Coating Polymers or Colloidal Silica Prepared by Spray-Drying Technique. Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). 35: 3800-3806 (1987)
・Takeuchi H, Handa T, Kawashima Y. Enhancement of the dissolution rate of a poorly water‐soluble drug (tolbutamide) by a spray‐drying solvent deposition method and disintegrants. J Pharm Pharmacol. 39: 769-773 (1987)
・Kawashima Y, Niwa T, Handa T, Takeuchi H, Iwamoto T, Itoh K. Preparation of controlled‐release microspheres of ibuprofen with acrylic polymers by a novel quasi‐emulsion solvent diffusion method. J Pharm Sci. 78: 68-72 (1989)
・Takeuchi H, Handa T, Kawashima Y. Controlled release theophylline tablet with acrylic polymers prepared by spraydrying technique in aqueous system. Drug Dev Ind Pharm. 15: 1999-2016 (1989)
・Takeuchi H, Sasaki H, Niwa T, Hino T, Kawashima Y, Uesugi K, Kayano M, Miyake Y. Preparation of Powdered Redispersible Vitamin E Acetate Emulsion by Spray-Drying Technique. Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). 39: 1528-1531 (1991)
・Takeuchi H, Sasaki H, Niwa T, Hino T, Kawashima Y, Uesugi K, Ozawa H. Improvement of photostability of ubidecarenone in the formulation of a novel powdered dosage form termed redispersible dry emulsion. Int J Pharm. 86: 25-33 (1992)
・Takeuchi H, Sasaki H, Niwa T, Hino T, Kawashima Y, Uesugi K, Ozawa H. Design of redispersible dry emulsion as an advanced dosage form of oily drug (vitamin e nicotinate) by spray-drying technique. Drug Dev Ind Pharm. 18: 919-937 (1992)
・Kawashima Y, Iwamoto T, Niwa T, Takeuchi H, Hino T. Uniform and improved bioavailability of newly developed rapid and sustained release suspensions of ibuprofen microspheres. Int J Pharm. 89: 9-17 (1993)
・Kawashima Y, Takeuchi H, Hino T, Niwa T, Lin TL, Sekigawa F, Kawahara K. Low-Substituted Hydroxypropyl cellulose as a Sustained-Drug Release Matrix Base or Disintegrant Depending on Its Particle Size and Loading in Formulation. Pharm Res. 10: 351-355 (1993)
・Niwa T, Takeuchi H, Hino T, Kunou N, Kawashima Y. Preparations of biodegradable nanospheres of water-soluble and insoluble drugs with D,L-lactide/glycolide copolymer by a novel spontaneous emulsification solvent diffusion method, and the drug release behavior. J Control Release. 25: 89-98 (1993)
・Takeuchi H, Yamamoto H, Niwa T, Hino T, Kawashima Y. Mucoadhesion of Polymer-Coated Liposomes to Rat Intestine in Vitro. Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). 42: 1954-1956 (1994)
・Kawashima Y, Cui F, Takeuchi H, Niwa T, Hino T, Kiuchi K. Improved Static Compression Behaviors and Tablettabilities of Spherically Agglomerated Crystals Produced by the Spherical Crystallization Technique with a Two-Solvent System. Pharm Res. 12: 1040-1044 (1995)
・Niwa T, Takeuchi H, Hino T, Nohara M, Kawashima Y. Biodegradable submicron carriers for peptide drugs: Preparation of dl-lactide/glycolide copolymer (PLGA) nanospheres with nafarelin acetate by a novel emulsion-phase separation method in an oil system. Int J Pharm. 121: 45-54 (1995)
・Schade A, Niwa T, Takeuchi H, Hino T, Kawashima Y. Aqueous colloidal polymer dispersions of biodegradable DLlactide/glycolide copolymer as basis for latex films: A new approach for the development of biodegradable depot systems. Int J Pharm. 117: 209-217 (1995)
・Takeuchi H., Yamamoto H., Niwa T., Hino T. and Kawashima Y., Enteral Absorption of Insulin in Rats from Mucoadhesive Chitosan-Coated Liposomes, Pharm. Research, 13, 896-901 (1996)
・『キトサンおよびリポソームのインスリン酵素分解 抑制作用と消化管粘膜吸収促進作用』(竹内洋文, 霜鳥由佳, 山本浩充, 日野知証, 川島嘉明.)Drug Delivery System. 12: 347-352 (1997)
・Takeuchi H, Yamamoto H, Toyoda T, Toyobuku H, Hino T, Kawashima Y. Physical stability of size controlled small unilameller liposomes coated with a modified polyvinyl alcohol. Int J Pharm. 164: 103-111 (1998)
・Takeuchi H, Yasuji T, Hino T, Yamamoto H, Kawashima Y. Spray-dried composite particles of lactose and sodium alginate for direct tabletting and controlled releasing. Int J Pharm. 174: 91-100 (1998)
・Takeuchi H, Kojima H, Toyoda T, Yamamoto H, Hino T, Kawashima Y. Prolonged circulation time of doxorubicinloaded liposomes coated with a modified polyvinyl alcohol after intravenous injection in rats. Eur J Pharm Biopharm. 48: 123-129 (1999)
・Takeuchi H, Kojima H, Yamamoto H, Kawashima Y. Enhanced tumour accumulation of doxorubicin with polymercoated liposomes in rats. Pharm Pharmacol Commun. 5: 445-448 (1999)
・Takeuchi H, Yasuji T, Hino T, Yamamoto H, Kawashima Y. Compaction properties of composite particles consisting of lactose with sodium alginate prepared by spray-drying. Pharm Res. 16:1193-1198 (1999)
・Takeuchi H, Kojima H, Yamamoto H, Kawashima Y. Polymer coating of liposomes with a modified polyvinyl alcohol and their systemic circulation and RES uptake in rats. J Control Release. 68: 195-205 (2000)
・Takeuchi H, Yasuji T, Yamamoto H, Kawashima Y. Temperature- and moisture-induced crystallization of amorphous lactose in composite particles with sodium alginate prepared by spray-drying. Pharm Dev Technol. 5: 355-363 (2000)
・Takeuchi H, Yasuji T, Yamamoto H, Kawashima Y. Drug releasing properties and tensile strength of dry-coated tablets prepared with spray-dried composite particles of lactose and sodium alginate. STP Pharma Sciences. 10: 173-179 (2000)
・Takeuchi H, Yasuji T, Yamamoto H, Kawashima Y. Spray-dried lactose composite particles containing an ion complex of alginate-chitosan for designing a dry-coated tablet having a time-controlled releasing function. Pharm Res. 17: 9499 (2000)
・Takeuchi H, Yasuji T, Yamamoto H, Kawashima Y. Temperature-induced crystallization and compactibility of spray dried composite particles composed of amorphous lactose and various types of water- soluble polymer. Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). 48: 585-588 (2000)
・Takeuchi H, Kojima H, Yamamoto H, Kawashima Y. Passive targeting of doxorubicin with polymer coated liposomes in tumor bearing rats. Biol Pharm Bull. 24: 795-799 (2001)
・Takeuchi H, Kojima H, Yamamoto H, Kawashima Y. Evaluation of circulation profiles of liposomes coated with hydrophilic polymers having different molecular weights in rats. J Control Release. 75: 83-91 (2001)
・Takeuchi H, Yamamoto H, Kawashima Y. Mucoadhesive nanoparticulate systems for peptide drug delivery. Adv Drug Del Rev. 47: 39-54 (2001)
・Takeuchi H, Matsui Y, Yamamoto H, Kawashima Y. Mucoadhesive properties of carbopol or chitosan-coated liposomes and their effectiveness in the oral administration of calcitonin to rats. J Control Release. 86: 235-242 (2003)
・『多孔性微粒子担体を用いた薬物固体分散体粒子の設計』(竹内洋文, 柳楽慎介, 山本浩充,川島嘉明.)粉体工学会誌40: 157-162 (2003)
・Lamprecht A, Yamamoto H, Takeuchi H, Kawashima Y. pH-sensitive microsphere delivery increases oral bioavailability of calcitonin. J Control Release. 98: 1-9 (2004)
・Takeuchi H. Polymer-coated liposomes for oral drug delivery. Drug Delivery System. 19: 511-519 (2004)
・Takeuchi H, Nagira S, Yamamoto H, Kawashima Y. Die wall pressure measurement for evaluation of compaction property of pharmaceutical materials. Int J Pharm. 274: 131-138 (2004)
・Takeuchi H, Nagira S, Yamamoto H, Kawashima Y. Solid dispersion particles of tolbutamide prepared with fine silica particles by the spray-drying method. Powder Technol. 141: 187-195 (2004)
・Martin C, Thongborisute J, Takeuchi H, Yamamoto H, Kawashima Y, Alpar HO. Cholesterol-bile salt vesicles as potential delivery vehicles for drug and vaccine delivery. Int J Pharm. 298: 339-343 (2005)
・Takeuchi H, Matsui Y, Sugihara H, Yamamoto H, Kawashima Y. Effectiveness of submicron-sized, chitosan-coated liposomes in oral administration of peptide drugs. Int J Pharm. 303: 160-170 (2005)
・Takeuchi H, Nagira S, Aikawa M, Yamamoto H, Kawashima Y. Effect of lubrication on the compaction properties of pharmaceutical excipients as measured by die wall pressure. J Drug Deliv Sci Technol. 15: 177-182 (2005)
・Takeuchi H, Nagira S, Tanimura S, Yamamoto H, Kawashima Y. Tabletting of solid dispersion particles consisting of indomethacin and porous silica particles. Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). 53: 487-491 (2005)
・Takeuchi H, Nagira S, Yamamoto H, Kawashima Y. Solid dispersion particles of amorphous indomethacin with fine porous silica particles by using spray-drying method. Int J Pharm. 293: 155-164 (2005)
・Takeuchi H, Thongborisute J, Matsui Y, Sugihara H, Yamamoto H, Kawashima Y. Novel mucoadhesion tests for polymers and polymer-coated particles to design optimal mucoadhesive drug delivery systems. Adv Drug Del Rev. 57: 1583-1594 (2005)
・Thongborisute J, Takeuchi H, Yamamoto H, Kawashima Y. Visualization of the penetrative and mucoadhesive properties of chitosan and chitosan-coated liposomes through the rat intestine. J Liposome Res. 16: 127-141 (2006)
・Thongborisute J, Takeuchi H, Yamamoto H, Kawashima Y. Properties of liposomes coated with hydrophobically modified chitosan in oral liposomal drug delivery. Pharmazie. 61: 106-111 (2006)
・Thongborisute J, Tsuruta A, Kawabata Y, Takeuchi H. The effect of particle structure of chitosan-coated liposomes and type of chitosan on oral delivery of calcitonin. J Drug Target. 14: 147-154 (2006)
・『噴霧乾燥 HPC-L を結合剤として用いた低成形性医薬品粉末の直接打錠.』(谷村信爾, 川添博義, 山本浩充, 竹内洋文)粉体工学会誌.43: 648-652 (2006)
・Higo S, Takeuchi H, Yamamoto H, Hino T, Kawashima Y. Slow release of tetracycline from a mucoadhesive complex with sucralfate for eradication of Helicobacter pylori. Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). 56: 1412-1416 (2008)
・Makhlof A, Miyazaki Y, Tozuka Y, Takeuchi H. Cyclodextrins as stabilizers for the preparation of drug nanocrystals by the emulsion solvent diffusion method. Int J Pharm. 357: 280-285 (2008)
・Makhlof A, Werle M, Takeuchi H. Mucoadhesive drug carriers and polymers for effective drug delivery. J Drug Deliv Sci Technol. 18: 375-386 (2008)
・Nakano K, Tozuka Y, Takeuchi H. Effect of surface properties of liposomes coated with a modified polyvinyl alcohol (PVA-R) on the interaction with macrophage cells. Int J Pharm. 354: 174-179 (2008)
・Nakano K, Tozuka Y, Yamamoto H, Kawashima Y, Takeuchi H. A novel method for measuring rigidity of submicronsize liposomes with atomic force microscopy. Int J Pharm. 355: 203-209 (2008)
・Thirawong N, Thongborisute J, Takeuchi H, Sriamornsak P. Improved intestinal absorption of calcitonin by mucoadhesive delivery of novel pectin-liposome nanocomplexes. J Control Release. 125: 236-245 (2008)
・Thongborisute J, Takeuchi H. Evaluation of mucoadhesiveness of polymers by BIACORE method and mucin-particle method. Int J Pharm. 354: 204-209 (2008)
・Werle M, Takeuchi H. Liposomal polyion-complexes based on poly(allylamine) for oral peptide delivery: Basic investigations. Sci Pharm. 76: 751-760 (2008)
・Werle M, Takeuchi H, Bernkop-Schnurch A. New-generation efflux pump inhibitors. Expert Rev Clin Pharmacol. 1: 429-440 (2008)
・Yasuji T, Takeuchi H, Kawashima Y. Particle design of poorly water-soluble drug substances using supercritical fluid technologies. Adv Drug Del Rev. 60: 388-398 (2008)
・Abe H, Yasui S, Kuwata A, Takeuchi H. Improving powder flow properties of a direct compression formulation using a two-step glidant mixing process. Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). 57: 647-652 (2009)
・Hironaka K, Inokuchi Y, Tozuka Y, Shimazawa M, Hara H, Takeuchi H. Design and evaluation of a liposomal delivery system targeting the posterior segment of the eye. J Control Release. 136: 247-253 (2009)
・Makhlof A, Tozuka Y, Takeuchi H. pH-Sensitive nanospheres for colon-specific drug delivery in experimentally induced colitis rat model. Eur J Pharm Biopharm. 72: 1-8 (2009)
・Werle M, Hironaka K, Takeuchi H, Hoyer H. Development and in vitro characterization of liposomes coated with thiolated poly(acrylic acid) for oral drug delivery. Drug Dev Ind Pharm. 35: 209-215 (2009)
・Werle M, Makhlof A, Takeuchi H. Oral protein delivery: A patent review of academic and industrial approaches. Recent Patents on Drug Delivery and Formulation. 3: 94-104 (2009)
・Werle M, Takeuchi H. Chitosan-aprotinin coated liposomes for oral peptide delivery: Development, characterisation and in vivo evaluation. Int J Pharm. 370: 26-32 (2009)
・Werle M, Takeuchi H, Bernkop-Schnürch A. Modified chitosans for oral drug delivery. J Pharm Sci. 98: 1643-1656 (2009)
・Inokuchi Y, Hironaka K, Fujisawa T, Tozuka Y, Tsuruma K, Shimazawa M, Takeuchi H, Hara H. Physicochemical properties affecting retinal drug/ coumarin-6 delivery from nanocarrier systems via eyedrop administration. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 51: 3162-3170 (2010)
・Makhlof A, Werle M, Tozuka Y, Takeuchi H. Nanoparticles of glycol chitosan and its thiolated derivative significantly improved the pulmonary delivery of calcitonin. Int J Pharm. 397: 92-95 (2010)
・Sriamornsak P, Wattanakorn N, Takeuchi H. Study on the mucoadhesion mechanism of pectin by atomic force microscopy and mucin-particle method. Carbohydr Polym. 79: 54-59 (2010)
・Werle M, Makhlof A, Takeuchi H. Carbopol-lectin conjugate coated liposomes for oral peptide delivery. Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). 58: 432-434 (2010)
・『種々の特性を有するショ糖脂肪酸エステルの滑沢剤としての有用性評価』(山本ひとみ,戸塚裕一, 内田実 竹内洋文)粉体工学会誌. 47: 388-393 (2010)
・Hironaka K, Fujisawa T, Sasaki H, Tozuka Y, Tsuruma K, Shimazawa M, Hara H, Takeuchi H. Fluorescence investigation of the retinal delivery of hydrophilic compounds via liposomal eyedrops. Biol Pharm Bull. 34: 894-897 (2011)
・Hironaka K, Inokuchi Y, Fujisawa T, Shimazaki H, Akane M, Tozuka Y, Tsuruma K, Shimazawa M, Hara H, Takeuchi H. Edaravone-loaded liposomes for retinal protection against oxidative stress-induced retinal damage. Eur J Pharm Biopharm. 79: 119-125 (2011)
・Makhlof A, Fujimoto S, Tozuka Y, Takeuchi H. In vitro and in vivo evaluation of WGA-carbopol modified liposomes as carriers for oral peptide delivery. Eur J Pharm Biopharm. 77: 216-224 (2011)
・Makhlof A, Werle M, Tozuka Y, Takeuchi H. A mucoadhesive nanoparticulate system for the simultaneous delivery of macromolecules and permeation enhancers to the intestinal mucosa. J Control Release. 149: 81-88 (2011)
・Shimazaki H, Hironaka K, Fujisawa T, Tsuruma K, Tozuka Y, Shimazawa M, Takeuchi H, Hara H. Edaravone-loaded liposome eyedrops protect against light-induced retinal damage in mice. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 52: 7289-7297 (2011)
・『生薬の錠剤化における粉体物性および添加剤の影響』(山田尚美, 竹内洋文)粉体工学会誌. 48: 12-18 (2011)
・Fujisawa T, Miyai H, Hironaka K, Tsukamoto T, Tahara K, Tozuka Y, Ito M, Takeuchi H. Liposomal diclofenac eye drop formulations targeting the retina: Formulation stability improvement using surface modification of liposomes. Int J Pharm. 436: 564-567 (2012)
・Murata M, Nakano K, Tahara K, Tozuka Y, Takeuchi H. Pulmonary delivery of elcatonin using surface-modified liposomes to improve systemic absorption: Polyvinyl alcohol with a hydrophobic anchor and chitosan oligosaccharide as effective surface modifiers. Eur J Pharm Biopharm. 80: 340-346 (2012)
・Sugihara H, Yamamoto H, Kawashima Y, Takeuchi H. Effects of food intake on the mucoadhesive and gastroretentive properties of submicron-sized chitosan-coated liposomes. Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). 60: 1320-1323 (2012)
・Sugihara H, Yamamoto H, Kawashima Y, Takeuchi H. Effectiveness of submicronized chitosan-coated liposomes in oral absorption of indomethacin. J Liposome Res. 22: 72-79 (2012)
・『滑沢剤ショ糖脂肪酸エステルの乳糖錠剤における崩壊 挙動抑制とそのメカニズムに関する検討』(林洸仁, 竹内淑子, 田原耕平, 内田実, 竹内洋文)粉体工学会誌. 49: 750-757 (2012)
・Hoashi Y, Tozuka Y, Takeuchi H. Development of a novel and simple method to evaluate disintegration of rapidly disintegrating tablets. Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). 61: 962-966 (2013)
・Katsuno E, Tahara K, Takeuchi Y, Takeuchi H. Orally disintegrating tablets prepared by a co-processed mixture of micronized crospovidone and mannitol using a ball mill to improve compactibility and tablet stability. Powder Technol. 241: 60-66 (2013)
・Murata M, Yonamine T, Tanaka S, Tahara K, Tozuka Y, Takeuchi H. Surface modification of liposomes using polymerwheat germ agglutinin conjugates to improve the absorption of peptide drugs by pulmonary administration. J Pharm Sci. 102: 1281-1289 (2013)
・Sasaki H, Karasawa K, Hironaka K, Tahara K, Tozuka Y, Takeuchi H. Retinal drug delivery using eyedrop preparations of poly-l-lysine-modified liposomes. Eur J Pharm Biopharm. 83: 364-369 (2013)
・Takeuchi H, Yamakawa R, Nishimatsu T, Takeuchi Y, Hayakawa K, Maruyama N. Design of rapidly disintegrating drug delivery films for oral doses with hydroxypropyl methylcellulose. J Drug Deliv Sci Technol. 23: 471-475 (2013)
・Tsukamoto T, Hironaka K, Fujisawa T, Yamaguchi D, Tahara K, Tozuka Y, Takeuchi H. Preparation of bromfenac loaded liposomes modified with chitosan for ophthalmic drug delivery and evaluation of physicochemical properties and drug release profile. Asian J Pharm Sci. 8: 110-119 (2013)
・Ying L, Tahara K, Takeuchi H. Drug delivery to the ocular posterior segment using lipid emulsion via eye drop administration: Effect of emulsion formulations and surface modification. Int J Pharm. 453: 329-335 (2013)
・Murata M, Tahara K, Takeuchi H. Real-time in vivo imaging of surface-modified liposomes to evaluate their behavior after pulmonary administration. Eur J Pharm Biopharm. 86: 115-119 (2014)
・Sugihara H, Matsui Y, Takeuchi H, Wilding I, Connor A, Abe K, Nishiura A. Development of a gastric retentive system as a sustained-release formulation of pranlukast hydrate and its subsequent in vivo verification in human studies. Eur J Pharm Sci. 53: 62-68 (2014)
・『エリスリトールと微細化クロスポビドンのボールミル共粉砕 処理による口腔内崩壊錠の設計』(勝野英里, 竹内淑子, 田原耕平, 竹内洋文.)粉体工学会誌. 51: 16-24 (2014)
・『各種直打用賦形剤の流動性指数とせん断 試験による評価』(竹内淑子, 勝野英里, 矢島俊輔,冨田知香, 田原耕平, 竹内洋文)粉体工学会誌. 51: 77-87 (2014)
・Tanimura S, Tahara K, Takeuchi H. Spray-dried composite particles of erythritol and porous silica for orally disintegrating tablets prepared by direct tableting. Powder Technol. 286: 444-450 (2015)
・Weerapol Y, Limmatvapirat S, Takeuchi H, Sriamornsak P. Fabrication of spontaneous emulsifying powders for improved dissolution of poorly water-soluble drugs. Powder Technol. 271: 100-108 (2015)
・Burapapadh K, Takeuchi H, Sriamornsak P. Development of pectin nanoparticles through mechanical homogenization for dissolution enhancement of itraconazole. Asian J Pharm Sci. 11: 365-375 (2016)
・Osamura T, Takeuchi Y, Onodera R, Kitamura M, Takahashi Y, Tahara K, Takeuchi H.Characterization of tableting properties measured with a multi-functional compaction instrument for several pharmaceutical excipients and actual tablet formulations. Int J Pharm. 510: 195-202 (2016)
・Tahara K, Hashimoto W, Takeuchi H. Inhalation properties and stability of nebulized naked siRNA solution for pulmonary therapy. Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). 64: 63-67 (2016)
・Tahara K, Nishikawa M, Matsui K, Hisazumi K, Onodera R, Tozuka Y, Takeuchi H. In Vitro and In Vivo Characterization of Drug Nanoparticles Prepared Using PureNano™ Continuous Crystallizer to Improve the Bioavailability of Poorly Water-Soluble Drugs. Pharm Res. 33: 2259-2268 (2016)
・Tahara K, Tomida H, Ito Y, Tachikawa S, Onodera R, Tanaka H, Tozuka Y, Takeuchi H. Pulmonary liposomal formulations encapsulated procaterol hydrochloride by a remote loading method achieve sustained release and extended pharmacological effects. Int J Pharm. 505: 139-146 (2016)
・Taketani Y, Usui T, Toyono T, Shima N, Yokoo S, Kimakura M, Yamagami S, Ohno S, Onodera R, Tahara K, Takeuchi H, Kuroda M. Topical Use of Angiopoietin-like Protein 2 RNAi-loaded Lipid Nanoparticles Suppresses Corneal Neovascularization. Molecular therapy Nucleic acids. 5: e292 (2016)
・Takeuchi H, Tahara K, Onodera R. Recent advances in particulate drug delivery systems: Oral, pulmonary, and ophthalmic administrations. Asian J Pharm Sci. 11: 3-4 (2016)
・Kakino Y, Hishikawa Y, Onodera R, Tahara K, Takeuchi H. Gelation factors of pectin for development of a powder form of gel, dry jelly, as a novel dosage form. Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). 65: 1035-1044 (2017)
・Osamura T, Takeuchi Y, Onodera R, Kitamura M, Takahashi Y, Tahara K, Takeuchi H. Prediction of effects of punch shapes on tableting failure by using a multi-functional single-punch tablet press. Asian J Pharm Sci. 12: 412-417 (2017)
・Shimazawa M, Inoue Y, Masuda T, Onodera R, Tahara K, Shimizu Y, Mibe Y, Tsuruma K, Takeuchi H, Hara H. Topical diclofenac-loaded liposomes ameliorate laser-induced choroidal neovascularization in mice and non-human primates. Curr Neurovasc Res. 14: 46-52 (2017)
・Takeuchi Y, Usui R, Ikezaki H, Tahara K, Takeuchi H. An advanced technique using an electronic taste-sensing system to evaluate the bitterness of orally disintegrating films and the evaluation of model films. Int J Pharm. 531: 179-190 (2017)
・Takeuchi Y, Usui R, Ikezaki H, Tahara K, Takeuchi H. Characterization of orally disintegrating films: A feasibility study using an electronic taste sensor and a flow-through cell. J Drug Deliv Sci Technol. 39: 104-112 (2017)
・Osamura T, Takeuchi Y, Onodera R, Kitamura M, Takahashi Y, Tahara K, Takeuchi H. Formulation design of granules prepared by wet granulation method using a multi-functional single-punch tablet press to avoid tableting failures. Asian J Pharm Sci. 13: 113-119 (2018)
・Tahara K, Kobayashi M, Yoshida S, Onodera R, Inoue N, Takeuchi H. Effects of cationic liposomes with stearylamine against virus infection. Int J Pharm. 543: 311-317 (2018)
・Tahara K, Nishio M, Takeuchi H. Evaluation of liposomal behavior in the gastrointestinal tract after oral administration using real-time in vivo imaging. Drug Dev Ind Pharm. 44: 608-614 (2018)
・Takeuchi Y, Kawamoto M, Tahara K, Takeuchi H. Design of a new disintegration test system for the evaluation of orally disintegrating films. Int J Pharm. 553: 281-289 (2018)
・Takeuchi Y, Tomita T, Kuroda J, Kageyu A, Yonekura C, Hiramura Y, Tahara K, Takeuchi H. Characterization of mannitol granules and powder: A comparative study using two flowability testers. Int J Pharm. 547: 106-113 (2018)
・Takeuchi Y, Umemura K, Tahara K, Takeuchi H. Formulation design of hydroxypropyl cellulose films for use as orally disintegrating dosage forms. J Drug Deliv Sci Technol. 46: 93-100 (2018)
・『乳幼児に適した製剤としてのドライゼリーの検討 -ドライゼリーの顆粒化検討および物性の評価-.』(垣野由佳理, 堀崇晴, 菱川慶裕, 田原耕平, 竹内洋文)薬剤学. 78: 317-327 (2018)
・Takahashi T., Toyota H., Kuroiwa Y., Yoshino H., Kondou H., Yamashita K., Hakomori T., Takeuchi H., Quantitative evaluation of different rotary tablet presses by compaction velocity based on compaction simulation study. Int. J. Pharm. 558:157-164 (2019).
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・Tomita Y., T. Nagato, Y. Takeuchi, H. Takeuchi, Control of residence time of pharmaceutical powder in a continuous mixer with impeller and scraper, Int. J. Pharm., 586, 119520, (2020)
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・Tomita Y., Y. Takeuchi, S. Natsuyama, H. Takeuchi, Characteristics of residence time distribution in a continuous high shear mixer granulation using scraper rotation, Int. J. Pharm. 605, 2021, 120789

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